Random-Flavored Words

The Rules of Writing

July 21, 2023

While I was driving back home from the gym today, I got to thinking about the direction I want to take my blog. The term "personal blog" came to mind. I started my first blog on Blogger back in 2014, when I first came up with the title Random-Flavored Words which has stuck with me till this day. I was undergoing a "quarter-life crisis" at that time, stuck in a low-level position at a management consultant company with no sign of moving up, and I had no idea what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I was also completely on my own for the first time - not only was I newly single, but my dad had just taken a new job out of state, and my parents had decided to move out of the Bay Area. It was a great time for me to slow down and ponder about life, and I thought there was no better way to reflect than through writing. I wrote about a wide range of topics: relationships, careers, education, cooking. Many of my articles were inspired by sudden insights I gained in random places, such as on the train ride back home after work, or while jogging or walking. The more I wrote, the more my thoughts seemed to evolve and solidify. Writing, as it turned out, was a way for me to find myself.

At one point, I drafted a Rules of Writing to serve as a guide and reminder for why I wanted to write and the philosophy I wanted my blog to follow.

  1. Write about topics I care about (not just what's trendy or what I think others want to read).
  2. Write to inform, educate, and inspire others.
  3. Write as a way to not only organize thoughts, but to stimulate new thoughts, find new connections, and gain new insights.

Lately, I've been having more trouble thinking of topics to write about. Needing some inspiration, I flipped open my old notebook and revisited these rules again the other day. I was pleasantly surprised at how my much younger self had nailed it. As much as I have changed, each of these rules still resonates greatly. I have thought many times of turning my blog into something more practical - maybe a Mommy tips blog or even a Coding blog. Although those topics might come up here and there, in the end, I want to have the freedom and flexibility to write about what I want. I'm not trying to be popular or gain the most views (although it would be nice to have readers other than myself!), nor am I trying to make money (although, who knows what might eventually come out of this!) I may no longer be that naive twenty-something trying to find the meaning of life, but I am still learning and reflecting, waiting for that random burst of inspiration that'll lead to another random article.